Paragliding Training Skills & Drills
L1 Preflight Check
Try to find a routine that you practice to make as quick and efficient as possible.
- Ensure others know where you’re flying
- Flight deck phone / vario
- Action cam
- Water & snacks, wallet, mask, XC sign, etc.
- Knife (if coastal)
- Radio
- Wing and lines
- Riser attachments, speed system
- Helmet
- Clip in – buckles, foot loop, reserve handle, risers, brakes
L1 After flight packing-up
Try to make this as quick and efficient as possible, with access to phone at all time.
L1 Ground handling & Kiting
- Staying in position in gusts
- Moving reverse (cross)
- Moving forward (cross)
- Moving up/down slopes
- Weight shift & riser turns
- Wingtip touches (l & r)
- Kiting up slope (As & vertical)
- Stall > As
- Spin (facing forward) & catch (R&L)
- Flying backwards launch
- Taking off and stalling
L2 Ground handling & Kiting
- Back-fly
- Spin land glider (R & L)
- Ground spin from a few feet in air
L1. Site & Meteo
- Know direction, strength, gusts, cycles, etc. on site
- Know low and top end flyable conditions
- Identify & factor in potential hazards (current and what might evolve over time)
- Identify landing fields
- Predict flying conditions based on meteo (what you see and from weather data/models)
- Factor in legalities/club rules for site
L1 Quick descent(from clouds & to land)
- Big ears & bar
- B-line ears & bar
- Shallow spiral
L2 Quick descent (from clouds & to land)
- Big ears and spiral & exit
L1 Strong wind takeoff
- Judging top end limit
- Run toward wing (flat)
- Lower on hill takeoff
- Catch frontal on slope
- Cross wind launch method
L2 Strong wind takeoff
- Cobra launch
L1 Light wind takeoff
- Forward launch
- Reverse launch and run
L1 Strong wind landings
- Practice trajectories with break and speedbar for spot landings
- Push out to lose height and snake back low
- 8s from behind
- Landing on bar to low
- Flapping
- Creative alternative landings
L2 Strong wind landings
- Pulse stalling
- Low full stall
- Landing on big ears and bar
L1 Light wind / sink landings
- Speed bar in sink
- Speed > brake landing (swoop flair)
- Spot landings practicing trajectories
L1 Slope landings (side, down, up)
- Accelerate and brake flat / downhill
- On hill slope
L2 Slope landings (side, down, up)
- Accelerate and brake uphill slope
L1 Killing the wing in strong wind
- Stall & turn
- B stall
L2 Killing the wing in strong wind
- Asymmetric collapse stall
L1 Hard/emergency landings
- Parachute falls (different angles) – without wing
L2 Hard/emergency landings
- Low stall and parachutal
- Sea landing drills
- Stall after low asymmetric on takeoff
L1. Reserve
- Locating and throwing reserve with gloves
- Packing reserve
L1 Active flying
- General PPP (pressure, pitch, potatoes) flying for level flight in turbulence
- Speed min speed (near stall)
- Speed max speed (full bar)
- Max glide with wind/sink
- Pitch control: Dolphins (light)
- Weightshift wingovers
- Half wingovers – high & close proximity
- Efficient turns – weightshift > brake
- 360 – tight/aggressive and broad/efficient
- B riser flying on bar
- Close proximity flying
- Touch and go drills (fences, posts, ground, etc)
- Eyes closed flying
- Induced asymmetric & recover
L2 Active flying
- Prestall (down to min sink, then 1cm more so it goes slack then up and brake again – pulse stalls – as with landings so up high)
- OTT wing overs – high
- Induced spin & recovery
L3 Active flying
- Back-slide stall
- 2 pump stall > backslide
- Parachutal stall
L1 Flying in rough air
- Coring lift in rough air
- Act on landing criteria for it being too rough (e.g. catching collapses)
L1 Ridge runs
- Identify areas of lift
- Identify areas of heavy sink/rotor
- Working lift lines
- Crossing gaps/gullies
- Using bar and risers efficiently into wind or in sink
- Practice land-out options
L1 Flying in company – rules of the air
- Ridge soaring – passing & overtaking rules
- Thermalling
L2 Flying in company – rules of the air
- Gaggle flying with multiple pilots
L1 Getting away: Thermal hunting & climbing out
- Watching others and birds all the time
- Feeling wind, and watching ground features for cycles and thermal directions
- Identify potential sources and triggers
- Timing launch for thermals
- Patient general height gain for positioning
- Explore out front or head back to hill depending on conditions
- Tracking steep thermals then pushing into wind regularly (leading edge flying)
- Efficient bullet thermal entry
- Right bank for the thermal – tight for small and shallow for big
- Exit and re-enter thermal
- Predict thermals columns angles
- Practice thermalling without vario
L1 XC flying
- Setting realistic distance / course goals that are attained
- Flying as a team with others
- Cloud reading while thermalling/on glide
- Push out front when lost thermal
- Other search patterns for relocating lost thermal
- Finding best glide lines (glide ratio) – downwind, cross-wind and into wind
- Intersect thermals based on markers and sources
- Making decisions based on ground sources/triggers when under 2000 ft
- Balancing focus/effort and rest
- Getting in touch with air traffic control
- Issuing NOTAMS
L2 XC flying
- Racing using speed to fly
L1 Using instruments
- Thermalling based on average lift (e.g. over 20 seconds)
- Tracking altitude both above ground and ASL
- Tracking heading – and how it may change over time and with height (double check with wind force on glide)
- Maximizing glide ratio on transitions: (a) downwind, (b) cross-wind, (c) into wind
- Flying to goal using map (on different scales)
- Flying by multiple turn-points
- Using thermal tracker effectively
- Identifying and avoiding airspace on map and according to altitude
- Use comfortably in the air – ridge running, climbing and gliding
- Use emergency contact system
- Use phone in flight
- Check sites in flight (weather, Telegram etc)
L1 Law & regulations
- Use knowledge of different types of airspace and where they are where you fly
- Use knowledge of low flying rules
- Use knowledge of property/trespass laws
- Use knowledge of authorities & penalties & what infringements are taken seriously
- Use knowledge of insurance regulations in case of property damage
L1 Psychology & attitude
- Get in the air early when flyable, and build stamina to wait for get-away thermals – don’t miss the windows!
- Build endurance & patience.
- Motivate through fun, progress & achievements-recognition
- Channel fear into excitement or aggression
- Focus on goals when under stress
- Practice focus/effort & relaxation (conserving energy)
- Use good breathing practices
- Don’t be reckless
- Don’t be reactive through competitiveness
- Always fly with margins
- Try to minimize mistakes (round here!)
Skills and Drills demonstrated here.